In Memory of a Beautiful Lady |
"Sandtiger in the Shallows" watercolor Colleen K Carrigan © 2008 |
A love of sharks led me to study them and communicate with shark biologists and photographers worldwide beginning
in my teenage years. I learned a great deal about these wonderful creatures and
about patience. As of this year, 2010 – I have made four magical journeys
to Queensland,
Australia where my dearest friend, Jim
McKay (biologist and photographer) lives. Our communication has progressed from
airmail to email, phone calls and trans Pacific visits over the past 30 years. And
I often use a touch of helpful advice and photos that Jim provides, for my miniatures.
After receiving my BS in Biology, I worked in the aquarium field for
over a decade and spent a lot of time with captive tropical species. Several
research projects were designed and conducted using sharks as the subjects. One
study involved the operant conditioning of a female sandtiger fondly named “Mama”.
She was taught to touch a target and have a buzzer sounded then receive a food reward.
She did very well on her trials with 88% success. She was truly a beautiful shark
and taught her care takers well - this gallery is dedicated in her memory - 'Swim free beautiful lady'. The
ACEO’s on this page were created in acrylic or watercolor.
The Beauty of Sharks |
All ACEO's are acrylic by Colleen K Carrigan © 2006 - 2007 "Great White" from photo by Jim McKay |
A few 'words of vision' by Jim McKay regarding the pelagic predators he has spent years photographing and observing
in their world.
Great White Shark and Porbeagle Shark
“She silently appears from the dark gloom like a spectral juggernaut
of destruction. The epitome of all that is powerful, swift, cunning and lethally magnificent - She is the Great White
Shark”. Jim McKay © 2008
Supreme Predator |
4" x 6" watercolor and ink Colleen K Carrigan © 2008 |
Powerful and swift |
"Magnificent Predator" watercolor and ink 3.5''x5.0'' Colleen K Carrigan © 2008 |
Majestic Predator |
"Great White Shark" watercolor and ink (from photo by Jim McKay) Colleen K Carrigan © 2008 |
Salmon Shark relative of the Great White |

Porbeagle "Swift Predator" by Colleen K Carrigan (c) 2011 |
"MAKO" is Polynesian for shark
"Long, sleek and deadly, the
Mako always appears to me to be set on a hair trigger ready to burst into action in less than a heartbeat. You
never ever take your eyes off the Mako, not even for a moment. Like most wild creatures, the shark is an opportunist.
The Mako is more so the epitome of opportunism." Jim McKay © 2008
The predator personified |
"MAKO" watercolor and ink (from photo by Jim McKay) Colleen K Carrigan © 2008 |
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
They are enigmatic and alluring with the grace of a prima ballerina – because of their
huge dorsal and pectoral fins and incredible gracefulness, they remind me of ‘Angels of the deep’.
Jim McKay © 2008
Pelagic predator gliding in blue water |
"Oceanic Whitetip" acrylic Colleen K Carrigan © 2006 |
Angel of the deep |
"Oceanic Whitetip with Pilot Fish" acrylic Colleen K Carrigan © 2006 |
Pelagic Predator Cruising |
Oceanic Whitetip "Open Ocean" Colleen K Carrigan © 2008 |
Great Hammerhead
“She magically
slips into your view – no fuss or threatening gestures. She is just there, watching, ever alert and ready to react
to the slightest provocation. She is the Great Hammerhead, denizen of the open sea and predator supreme.”
Jim McKay (c) 2010
Great Hammerhead Shark |
"Great Hammerhead" watercolor and ink Colleen K Carrigan © 2010 |
Hammerhead Shark |
"On the Prowl" 2.5" x 3.5" Colleen K Carrigan © 2010 |